
Following Fitch Ratings downgrading the U.S. sovereign rating to AA-plus from AAA, the rating agency has downgraded certain municipal bonds tied directly to the creditworthiness of the country. Despite this, market participants say the muni market will see little impact. The bonds affected are “pre-refunded bonds whose repayments are wholly dependent on ‘AA+’-rated United States
The Puerto Rico Oversight Board said settlements in the Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority bankruptcy are near after they sought and received another deadline extension for filing its debt adjustment plans. “While the Oversight Board cannot guaranty further settlement will be attained, it continues to believe the prospects of at least one major settlement is
Municipals sold off Thursday, following U.S. Treasury losses after more economic data suggested the U.S. economy is strong enough to potentially warrant more rate hikes in the fall. Equities ended down. Ahead of Friday’s jobs report, Wall Street is “watching a global bond market selloff get uglier as U.S. stocks waver ahead of massive earnings
The Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board has added five new members to its board, as well as elected officers for its 2024 fiscal year, bringing Meredith Hathorn on for another term as chair and electing Ernesto Lanza, of counsel for Ballard Spahr and formerly of the Securities and Exchange Commission, as chief regulatory and policy officer.
Municipals were weaker Wednesday as investors digested another larger new-issue slate, August redemption dollars, better-than expected economic data and the Fitch downgrade to the United States’ rating. U.S. Treasury yields rose slightly out long and equities sold off. The weakness in munis and UST resulted partly from the ADP Employment Report that showed 324,000 jobs were
Brandon Comer and his firm Comer Capital Group, the municipal advisor charged by the Securities and Exchange Commission with breaching his fiduciary duty on a $6 million 2015 bond offering for the Harvey, Illinois Public Library District, are in talks to settle ahead of a pretrial conference scheduled for Nov. 17. Comer was charged by
Municipals were lightly traded and mostly steady Monday while U.S. Treasuries were slightly firmer from Friday’s levels and equities closed in the black. With muni returns in positive territory to end the month and supply down 8% for the month and 16% for the year, the calendar flips to the final month of the muni
The Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board has voted to move ahead with its controversial amendments to Rule G-14 on trade reporting, changing the trade reporting window to one minute from 15 minutes. That was approved during its quarterly board meeting that took place July 26-27, during which the board also approved a new $47 million budget
Congress adjourned for its long summer break Thursday still far apart on top-line 2024 spending levels with only a few weeks left to reconcile the difference. There are also looming deadlines to pass a new farm bill and reauthorize the Federal Aviation Administration. Congress faces a partial government shutdown if it hasn’t passed funding bills
Munis were weaker to close out the week, playing catch up to Thursday’s larger U.S. Treasury losses and preparing for a larger new-issue calendar led by billion-dollar issues from the New York Dormitory Authority and triple-A rated Minnesota, along with multiple large deals from Texas school districts. U.S. Treasuries were firmer Friday and equities rallied.
Environmental, social, and governance capital programs continue to flourish under increased scrutiny, said one presenter at a recent securities industry event. Climate change may be nothing new, said Trenton J. Allen, CEO of Sustainable Capital Advisors, but the “growing appetite” for suitably focused investments is, and issuers and investors alike can benefit from strategies to
Blake Washington was appointed Thursday to be New York’s budget director. Washington, secretary to the New York State Assembly Ways and Means Committee, where he advises the Speaker and Assembly members on all budget and fiscal matters, was chosen for the post by New York Gov. Kathy Hochul. “With years of public service and a deep
Munis yields rose Thursday, following and outperforming a U.S. Treasury sell-off on the heels of strong-than-expected economic data. Equities ended down. Thursday’s “economic data offers the latest evidence that the U.S. economy is weathering the fastest rate hikes in a generation without much damage to the major gear-works of the economy,” said Wells Fargo Securities